Was helping a friend and have no idea why this doesn't work.
wait(2) Workspace.Player1.LeftArm:Destroy()
It works with Torso and Head but not with Left/RightArm or Left/RightLeg?
So now I know another way to get there, but why does my original script not work?
wait(2) Workspace.Player1["Left Arm"]:Destroy() -- Below me we both answered the question same time :p
This shall fix it :P
You see [] means a descendant. It could used to descend through about almost anything i think ._. . Like how you'd say in a table BanHammer[2] (second value in table) so in game objects this is specifically used for objects whose are more than one word or have special characters within them. In game objects tho, they have to be in the form of a string else you could use tostring to turn your returning data to a string but this is ALOT more in-depth than this snippet of code.
wait(2) Workspace.Player1["Left Arm"]:Destroy() --we did answer at the same time lel :3
wait(0) repeat wait(0)until workspace:FindFirstChild("Player") if workspace.Player:FindFirstChild("Left Arm") then workspace.Player:FindFirstChild("Left Arm"):remove() end