How can I make a door open from my voice (And no one else's) to where I say a certain word it opens.
This bit of code receives all the messages people send in the chat and checks to see if you say the opening command (Which in this particular script is open):
game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(player) player.Chatted:connect(function(message) if message == "open" and player.Name == "Skitle1802" then -- Door opening script here end end) end)
LocalScript required below -- E D I T E D --
plr=game:service("Players").LocalPlayer --The Player if plr.Name:lower()==("PLAYER"):lower()then --Non-Cap Sensitive, for example, if the script were print(plr.Name:lower()--[[For my name]]), it'd turn out like this; theedeathcaster, also change the PLAYER name to your name for the script to work plr.Chatted:connect(function(msg) --If plr's name matches, then you are granted access if msg:lower()=="open"then --Chat commands --Rest of script here end --The end for the if loop end) --The end for the connect(function() loop elseif not plr.Name:lower()==("PLAYER"):lower()then --If plr's name doesn't match to PLAYER's then.. print("Sorry, "..plr.Name:lower()..", But you are not granted access to voice commands") --They aren't allowed to end --The end for the if loop