Hi, im a new scripter and I would appreciate you helping me make this script filtering enabled step by step, so i can disect it and learn. I have a car spawning GUI which lets you choose which car you want to spawn and select it. If you have over 10,000 money then it spawns the car clicked on to a location.
The Gui is working fine, and when I click the buy button it works (says error if i dont have 10,000), however the car doesnt spawn to the location from the workspace
Car spawning script:
local P = script.Parent local player = P.Parent.Parent local index = 1 local vehicles = { -- {NAME , THUMBNAIL ID} {"Toyota Corolla 2010" , 0}, --LEAVE ALL THUMBNAIL ID AS 0. THERE IS NO POINT FOR A PICTURE. {"Smart Fortwo" , 0}, {"Sudiko Green Yoga" , 0}, {"Sudiko Blue Yoga" , 0}, {"Toyota Prius 2010" , 0}, {"BMW i3" , 0}, {"TCI" , 0}, {"Toyota Prius 2016" , 0} } wait(0.5) -- GUI vars local bg = P.BG -- Helper function function SetInformation(index) bg.I.Image = "http://www.roblox.com/thumbs/asset.ashx?assetId="..vehicles[index][2].."&x=420&y=420" bg.T.Text = vehicles[index][1] end local locked = false bg.S.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() local Money = player.leaderstats:FindFirstChild("Money") if Money.Value > 9999 then Money.Value = Money.Value - 10000 if (locked) then return end locked = true local vehicleName = player.Name.."Car" local model = workspace:FindFirstChild(vehicleName) if (model) then model:Destroy() end model = game.ServerStorage.Vehicles:FindFirstChild(vehicles[index][1]):Clone() model.Name = vehicleName model.Parent = game.Workspace model:MakeJoints() model:MoveTo(P.Regen.Value.Position) P:Destroy() locked = false else script.Parent.BG.S.Text = "Not Enough Money, 10,000 Needed!" wait(3) script.Parent.BG.S.Text = "Select" end end) bg.B.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() index = index - 1 if (index < 1) then index = #vehicles end SetInformation(index) end) bg.N.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() index = index + 1 if (index > #vehicles) then index = 1 end SetInformation(index) end) bg.Q.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() P:Destroy() end) SetInformation(index)
This is a script in the serverstorage and the "vehicles" folder is in the server storage too
thanks for helping!!
You don't make the script filtering enabled, you make the whole game filtering enabled. It's really easy. Just click Workspace in ROBLOX Studio, and scroll down until you find, 'Filtering Enabled'. Once you find that, you can simply tick it and boom, save/publish the game and it'll ALL be filtering enabled, but that does not mean exploiters can not exploit items in Lighting or RemoteService, but everything in Workspace will be Filtering Enabled, so you can literally just add the car in Workspace and it'll basically be filtering enabled.
Hope this helped :D