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Kill counter in knife ?

Asked by 7 years ago

So i need some help (sorry if i had a bad english) i have a script that count the kill are count from a folder... let me explain : i scripted a knife and when it touch a player it change the parent of the player's humaoid to the storage (the storage is a folder inside the knife) and it have a gui too but i want a script that count how many humanoid there is in folder ... for an example if there is 3 humanoid in the folder it will set a value to 3 and when this value is 3 it show it on the gui

I hope you understand thanks.

1 answer

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Answered by 7 years ago

Just do a local script inside the Tool:

2    local array = script.Parent.KillFolder:GetChildren()
3    local amount = #array
4    if amount == 3 then
5        --Do whatever you need
6    end
thanks xJathur95x 129 — 7y

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