wait(10) print("Starting!") repeat wait()until game.Players.LocalPlayer print("Found Player") plr=game:service("Players").LocalPlayer print("Player has been set") repeat wait()until plr:FindFirstChild("leaderstats") print("Found Leaderstats") repeat wait()until plr.Character~=nil print("Player has been found") ar=plr.leaderstats:FindFirstChild("Armor") print("Found Armor") pl=plr.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") print("Found Humanoid") if ar~=nil then print("Starting to change health") pl.MaxHealth=plr.leaderstats.Armor + 100 print("MaxHealth has been changed!") pl.Health=pl.Character.MaxHealth print("Health has been changed!") elseif not plr2~=nil or not plr:FindFirstChild("leaderstats")~=nil or not plr:FindFirstChild("leaderstats"):FindFirstChild("Armor")~=nil then print("Humanoid does not exist") end
Edit: it now says that line 25 is erroring.
I have a script, what it does is finds the leaderstat 'Armor' replaces the persons max health and current health (+100) to their health. and max health.
The output says at line 6, that "Armor" isn't a valid member of IntValue.
And if anyone is wondering.. Here is the DataSave that I use to create the leaderstats...
function DataHandler(p,o,key) local types = { IntValue = "Number"; NumberValue = "Number"; ObjectValue = "Instance"; BoolValue = "Boolean"; StringValue="String"; } local t = types[o.ClassName] if (not t) then return end key = (type(key) == "string" and key or o.Name) key = (#key > 0 and key or key.Name == o.Name and o.ClassName or o.Name) if (not p.DataReady) then p:WaitForDataReady() end local Save,Load = p[("Save%s"):format(t)],p[("Load%s"):format(t)] o.Value = Load(p,key) local lastV = o.Value o.Changed:connect(function(v) lastV = v Delay(1,function() if (lastV ~= v) then return end Save(p,key,v) end) end) end game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(player) local l = Instance.new("IntValue",player) l.Name = "leaderstats" local money = Instance.new("IntValue",l) money.Name = "KOs" DataHandler(player,money,"TheMoney") local cashmoney = Instance.new("IntValue",l) cashmoney.Name = "Wipeouts" DataHandler(player,cashmoney,"ThePoints") local mh = Instance.new("IntValue",l) mh.Name = "Armor" DataHandler(player,mh,"MaxHealths") end)
local scripts sometimes load before all the information gets sent to the client
So do
repeat wait() until plr:findFirstChild"leaderstats" and plr.leaderstats:findFirstChild"Armor"
and you should be fine