This script disables the scripts in the game until all children are dispersed to their class, then enables them.
This is breaking other scripts in the game though. It might be that there are still things disabled which the scripts count on. Any idea on what changes I can make to this script to avoid that and fix my issue? If I wasn't specific enough I could let you access my game in Team Create to take a look at my scripts.
--Searches for all disabled scripts inside folder local scripts = {} function recursiveScriptSearch(inst) for _,v in pairs(inst:children()) do if v:IsA("Script") and v.Disabled then table.insert(scripts,v) end recursiveScriptSearch(v) end end recursiveScriptSearch(script.Parent) for n,o in pairs(script.Parent.ReplicatedStorage:GetChildren()) do o.Parent = game.ReplicatedStorage end for n,o in pairs(script.Parent.Workspace:GetChildren()) do o.Parent = game.Workspace end for n,o in pairs(script.Parent.StarterGui:GetChildren()) do o.Parent = game.StarterGui end for n,o in pairs(script.Parent.StarterPack:GetChildren()) do o.Parent = game.StarterPack end for n,o in pairs(script.Parent.ServerStorage:GetChildren()) do o.Parent = game.ServerStorage end for n,o in pairs(script.Parent.ReplicatedFirst:GetChildren()) do o.Parent = game.ReplicatedFirst end for n,o in pairs(script.Parent.StarterPlayerScripts:GetChildren()) do o.Parent = game.StarterPlayer.StarterPlayerScripts end for n,o in pairs(script.Parent.StarterCharacterScripts:GetChildren()) do o.Parent = game.StarterPlayer.StarterCharacterScripts end for n,o in pairs(script.Parent.ServerScriptService:GetChildren()) do o.Parent = game.ServerScriptService end for n,o in pairs(script.Parent.Lighting:GetChildren()) do o.Parent = game.Lighting end --Go through all scripts and enable them for _,v in pairs(scripts) do v.Disabled = false end print('Assets Loaded') for n,o in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do game["Teleport Service"]:TeleportToPlaceInstance(game.PlaceId,game.JobId,o) end script.Parent:Destroy()