well, i suck at math.random so i built a lightsaber and welded it but i onli can do 1 animation. i made 4 anims for slashes and 1 for idle. how can i get the idle anim continously and the 4 slash anims random if i click?
You could use math.random(1,4), this will select a number from 1 to 4 and then detect wich one is selected and use that animation (it printed 3 so it will activate your third animation)
slash = 0 repeat -- change this to when they use the lightsaber wait() slash = math.random(1,4) if slash == 1 then print("1") --animation1 elseif slash == 2 then print("2") --animation2 elseif slash == 3 then print("3") --animation3 elseif slash == 4 then print("4") --animation4 end until false
Should be pretty easy, I don't know how your lightsaber works so the animations you have to execute yourself as well as the trigger.