wait(.1) --[[ A note from script: If you decide to take this script, make sure you take the module as well. It's in workspace. This won't work unless this script is a LocalScript in StarterGui/StarterPack and the modulescript is in workspace. I hope you enjoy the script and the modulescript attached to it. In the video I have showed you how to add your own effects and such. All you need is the chatted event and then the module functions To add aura and hat use SSJAura() and SSJHat() Thanks for using my script --script_ing --]] local mod = require(workspace.SSJModule) local TransformationAnims = mod.TransformationAnims local ScreenAnims = mod.ScreenAnims local p = game.Players.LocalPlayer --[[ Module functions: TransformationAnims.SphereExplosion() TransformationAnims.CylinderExplosion() TransformationAnims.RingExplosion() ScreenAnims.FlashScreen() mod:ChatFunction(msg) --the msg argument IS ALWAYS A STRING --]] function SSJAura() local tor = p.Character.Humanoid.RigType == "R6" and p.Character.Torso or p.Character.UpperTorso local particle = script.ParticleEmitter:Clone() particle.Parent = tor end function SSJHat() mod:ClearHats() local hair = script.Hat:Clone() hair.Parent = p.Character end --so this is how you use it: --First let's get the chatted event p.Chatted:connect(function(msg) --when the player chats if msg == "ssj" then --if what the player chatted is "ssj" then execute this: for i = 1, 5 do --for 5 times do this: ScreenAnims.FlashScreen() --Flashes your screen yellow wait() end mod:ChatFunction("AHHH!") --Make the player say AHHH! for i = 1, 20 do coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() TransformationAnims.RingExplosion() end)) wait() end for xD = 1, 5 do spawn(function() TransformationAnims.SphereExplosion() end) wait() end ScreenAnims.FlashScreen() mod:ChatFunction("I'm going to DESTROY YOU!!!") --Make em say that SSJAura() SSJHat() --Now let's add loops and coolness :) end end) --that's about it for the tutorial, you can always turn your graphics up to 10 and make it glow --my pc is trash so it's gonna lag but i'll show u
You would need to do this for a key pressed function
function onKeyPress(inputObject, gameProcessedEvent) --Function if inputObject.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.R then --What key you want to be pressed print("R was pressed") --Put the rest of the script here (what you want to do) end end game:GetService("UserInputService").InputBegan:connect(onKeyPress) -- Make sure you have this at the end, else it wont work
Of course for more in-depth explanations you could check out the roblox wiki. There are even the scripting books on the page.