hi scripters, i'll go straight to the point. I'm making a boss fight game. the main script is basically. "teleport players to fightarea, brings random boss to game, after boss is killed, teleport players back to lobby" i get this by putting 2 bool values and a numbervalue, now everything works fine this is where i get the error
while true do if game.Players:GetPlayers()~=nil and area.Value==1 then StartGame("DUDE") elseif area.Value==2 and check.Value==false and ingame.Value==false then Moveplayers(game.Workspace.Lobby.Position) print("game ended") area=1 elseif check.Value==true and ingame.Value==true and area.Value==3 then print("already ingame") wait(.5) end wait(.5) end
the value "area"
is a numbervalue i created inside the same script.
local area=Instance.new("NumberValue") area.Parent=game.Workspace area.Value=1 area.Name=("area")
as you can see whenever area.Value=1
it means the game starts. after that area.value=3
. whenever i kill the boss area.Value=2
the error i get in the output after boss is killed is this
attemp to index local"area"(a number value)
at this line
if game.Players:GetPlayers()~=nil and area.Value==1 then