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(Please read) How effective is FE againts exploiters?

Asked by 6 years ago

So I'm converting my game to FE. Many people say that FE is the best anti-exploit protection you can have for your place, while some say that even with FE on, and exploiter can do LOTS of stuff. For example, they can use RemoteFunctions and RemoteEvents to run code they want. And if they want to go across a wall, the fact the the change doesn't leave the client does not mean that they wont't be able to get to where they want by cheating. I mean, I'm still going to have some anti-exploit scripts, but what good is FE againts exploiters? (Except making it a tiny bit harder for them)

FE does honestly nothing, with FE off they might be able to change the skybox etc and make things worse, but with FE on, they can god themselves because nothing ever goes to the server except for the actual info, so it will believe anything. Roblox patched the latest batch of exploits from w()a()e()()()() (Blank for security reasons) but since people never give up on trying to beat the system, zombie3an 0 — 6y
They release new exploits every thursday. I've downloaded them myself to see how to best combat this, and from what I can see, if you dont want them to be able to influence objects inside the game, name them something not obvious like, humanoid would be changed to humanzz, etc and that will mess up their systems. zombie3an 0 — 6y
If FE is useless againts exploiters, then why is it there? Just so the people can create local parts in  their game?  They why do all the people say that FE helps againts exploiters? RiskoZoSlovenska 378 — 6y

2 answers

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Answered by 6 years ago

FE Filters things. It's in the name.

It really depends on your game as to how hard you need to code your defenses. Basically, as an exploiter, I can't go and kill everyone while FE is on through conventional methods (destroy, health = 0, breakjoints etc) but if you put a remoteevent that tells the server to kill a player, and you don't tell the server to ignore it if someone who isn't an admin trys to run it, then I can just make a loop kill script to kill everyone easy as that.

I can't destroy the map while FE is on, but if you have a remote to destroy parts, I could. Unless, of course, you set a list of things that can be destroyed and when.

FE really protects against exploiters changing the experience for everyone. It doesn't stop no clipping [why in ALL my games I put lazer bars in the walls to kill noclippers] and it doesn't stop flying, which is why you as a developer need to watch those things. Movement is handled on the client, but health for example is not, and as such an exploiter can't god. [easily]

I am an exploiter, and I do program exploits. I find vulnerabilities in games that have a "GivePoints" script that awards points every 2 minutes and have just sent the same information as that does so I get many more points. It's all about how your game sees them doing it, and how your game stops them. Simple/

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Answered by 6 years ago

summary said in here makes so most of the front page games are being exploited more in. before this change, theese exploiters were in most filtering disabled games. example. here they would fool around and sometimes fight (using these scripts they have made for their exploits ) each other in these games. fe disabled games were a place for a community of people to be in and fool around. after the change, these exploiters are not in one place that often anymore and its not that common to meet a another exploiter. here is a game that is being targeted semi destructively . roblox is trying to push exploiters away and failing in doing that. all they do is make the game slower (not that hard to notice)


First of all, my question is not a place to complain about the removal of Experimental Mode. Second, this question has already been answered. Third, your post is formatted very poorly; I have a tendency to not take people who don't use capitals seriously. Lastly, this question is like 9 months old, how did you even find it?? RiskoZoSlovenska 378 — 6y

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