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Can someone tell me whats wrong with this script i'm trying to give certain tools to certain ranks?

Asked by 7 years ago

I'm trying to make it so that whatever rank you are in the group you get certain items and it's not doing that could someone help me with the script please this is what I have.

game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(player) -- get the player
    local name = player.Name -- name of the player
    print(name) -- just a test
    local groupID = 3751720

        if player:IsInGroup(groupID) then -- checking if player is admin
             if player:GetRankInGroup(groupID) == 1 then    

                local gun = game.ReplicatedStorage["Flashlight"]:Clone()
                gun.Parent = game.Players[name]:WaitForChild("Backpack")

                local gunS = game.ReplicatedStorage["Radio"]:Clone()
                gunS.Parent = game.Players[name]:WaitForChild("Backpack")

               elseif player:IsInGroup(groupID) then
               if player:GetRankInGroup(groupID) == 2 then  

                local gun = game.ReplicatedStorage["Flashlight"]:Clone()
                gun.Parent = game.Players[name]:WaitForChild("Backpack")

                local gunS = game.ReplicatedStorage["Radio"]:Clone()
                gunS.Parent = game.Players[name]:WaitForChild("Backpack")


                elseif player:IsInGroup(groupID) then -- checking if player is admin
                if player:GetRankInGroup(groupID) == 3 then 

                local gun = game.ReplicatedStorage["Flashlight"]:Clone()
                gun.Parent = game.Players[name]:WaitForChild("Backpack")

                local gunS = game.ReplicatedStorage["Radio"]:Clone()
                gunS.Parent = game.Players[name]:WaitForChild("Backpack")

                local gun3 = game.ReplicatedStorage["Baton"]:Clone()
                gun3.Parent = game.Players[name]:WaitForChild("Backpack")


                elseif player:IsInGroup(groupID) then -- checking if player is admin
                if player:GetRankInGroup(groupID) == 4 then 

                local gun = game.ReplicatedStorage["Flashlight"]:Clone()
                gun.Parent = game.Players[name]:WaitForChild("Backpack")

                local gunS = game.ReplicatedStorage["Radio"]:Clone()
                gunS.Parent = game.Players[name]:WaitForChild("Backpack")

                local gun3 = game.ReplicatedStorage["Baton"]:Clone()
                gun3.Parent = game.Players[name]:WaitForChild("Backpack")


                elseif player:IsInGroup(groupID) then -- checking if player is admin
                if player:GetRankInGroup(groupID) == 5 then 

                local gun = game.ReplicatedStorage["Flashlight"]:Clone()
                gun.Parent = game.Players[name]:WaitForChild("Backpack")

                local gunS = game.ReplicatedStorage["Radio"]:Clone()
                gunS.Parent = game.Players[name]:WaitForChild("Backpack")

                local gun3 = game.ReplicatedStorage["Baton"]:Clone()
                gun3.Parent = game.Players[name]:WaitForChild("Backpack")

                local gun4 = game.ReplicatedStorage["PepperSpray"]:Clone()
                gun4.Parent = game.Players[name]:WaitForChild("Backpack")

                elseif player:IsInGroup(groupID) then -- checking if player is admin
                if player:GetRankInGroup(groupID) == 6 then 

                local gun = game.ReplicatedStorage["Flashlight"]:Clone()
                gun.Parent = game.Players[name]:WaitForChild("Backpack")

                local gunS = game.ReplicatedStorage["Radio"]:Clone()
                gunS.Parent = game.Players[name]:WaitForChild("Backpack")

                local gun3 = game.ReplicatedStorage["Baton"]:Clone()
                gun3.Parent = game.Players[name]:WaitForChild("Backpack")

                local gun4 = game.ReplicatedStorage["PepperSpray"]:Clone()
                gun4.Parent = game.Players[name]:WaitForChild("Backpack")

                local gun5 = game.ReplicatedStorage["ER-31X"]:Clone()
                gun5.Parent = game.Players[name]:WaitForChild("Backpack")

                elseif player:IsInGroup(groupID) then -- checking if player is admin
                if player:GetRankInGroup(groupID) == 11 then    

                local gun = game.ReplicatedStorage["Flashlight"]:Clone()
                gun.Parent = game.Players[name]:WaitForChild("Backpack")

                local gunS = game.ReplicatedStorage["Radio"]:Clone()
                gunS.Parent = game.Players[name]:WaitForChild("Backpack")

                local gun3 = game.ReplicatedStorage["Baton"]:Clone()
                gun3.Parent = game.Players[name]:WaitForChild("Backpack")

                local gun4 = game.ReplicatedStorage["PepperSpray"]:Clone()
                gun4.Parent = game.Players[name]:WaitForChild("Backpack")

                local gun5 = game.ReplicatedStorage["ER-31X"]:Clone()
                gun5.Parent = game.Players[name]:WaitForChild("Backpack")

                local gun6 = game.ReplicatedStorage["GLOCK"]:Clone()
                gun6.Parent = game.Players[name]:WaitForChild("Backpack")

                local gun7 = game.ReplicatedStorage["Handcuffs"]:Clone()
                gun7.Parent = game.Players[name]:WaitForChild("Backpack")


You don't need to use IsInGroup. GetRankInGroup returns 0 if they're not in. Why do you check it every single if statement though Thundermaker300 554 — 7y
Try putting the tool in the Player's Character instead and if that doesn't work then feel free to message me on ROBLOX, and I will then take a good look at the script. ViktorCorvinus 0 — 7y

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