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How do i hide core gui but not disable it?

Asked by 7 years ago

I seen most fps game's have hidden core Gui's but you still have access to the gun's. Then i did research on that and found out, the gun's are not just your average tool. I think it has something to do with hopperbin, the guns are placed in replicated storage and it spawns with character. Any ways, i wanted to ask if there is a way to hide the Core Gui from seeing it like it still function's the same but you just can't see it. It stills has 1,2,3 but you can see. If it is possible, could you tell me a good site that talks about that, and says how to do it.

From what i know, you can not do that... But i didn't researched. I think that the you should disable the inventory GUI and make one by your own. It's not that hard. Aimarekin 345 — 7y
yea i was thinking of that, that would be a good idea because with my own tool boxes i could make it were like a inventory thing were you can use a gui to open inventory. Thanks for the tip! User#19513 5 — 7y

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Answered by 7 years ago

No, I don't think you can hide it instead of disabling

but hey, you can use this to make it visible again

1local StarterGui = game:GetService('StarterGui')
3StarterGui:SetCoreGuiEnabled(Enum.CoreGuiType.All, true) --replace all with a core gui stat

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