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Determine if part is overhanging?

Asked by 7 years ago

Hi folks! I've been racking my brain on this problem and can't figure a solution. Imagine a baseplate with a part on top. I'm trying to determine if the part is overhanging the base instead of being fully in contact.

A part's position doesn't change on rotation, but it can change from being fully in contact to overhanging if the part is a rectangular shape. Comparing the positions of the baseplate and part is definitely the right way to go, but I can't figure out to determine whether to use the X or Z size in my calculation since it changes on rotation.

Any help is greatly appreciated!

1 answer

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Answered by 7 years ago

Here's a simple solution. Will print validity of part as you move/rotate it.

01local base = workspace.Base
02local obj = workspace.Part
03local pos
04local ori;
06while true do
07    if(pos~=obj.Position)or(ori~=obj.Orientation)then
08    pos=obj.Position
09    ori=obj.Orientation
10    local valid=false
11    local baseX =math.abs(base.Position.X)+(base.Size.X/2)
12    local baseZ =math.abs(base.Position.Z)+(base.Size.Z/2)
13    local objX, objZ;
14    if(math.abs(obj.Orientation.Y)==90)then
15        --Xsize is Zdir
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