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(?) Surface GUI Visible on mouse hover.

Asked by 7 years ago

When you mouse hovers over the part the surface gui would appear.

Please accept my answer if it helped cmgtotalyawesome 1418 — 7y

1 answer

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Answered by 7 years ago
Edited 7 years ago

ALL you would need to do is connect the GUI’s mouseenter and mouseleave function. What this does is exactly what it sounds like, when a mouse enters it runs a function and when a mouse leaves it runs a function. All you need to do is set the visible property to true on mouse enter and back to false on mouseleave. Hope I helped.

For more see the links below:



Sorry about no scripts in there, I’m on mobile and it glitches out but I decided that I could give an explanation and some sources at the very least. cmgtotalyawesome 1418 — 7y
Thanks! Lord_Nermall 1 — 7y

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