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OnServerEvent sends player name. How do I send a string value instead?

Asked by
Webm07 43
7 years ago

This is a script for changing the time in my game. When a script sends a value with the :FireServer() event, its suppost to change the time depending on the value in this script

RepStore = game:WaitForChild("ReplicatedStorage") --REPLICATED STORAGE

RepStore.Events.UI.ChangeLighting.OnServerEvent:connect(function(plr, Time) --BEGIN OF SCRIPT
    if Time == string.lower("Sunrise") then
        game.Lighting.TimeOfDay = "06:10:00"
        print("[LIGHTING SYSTEM] - Successfully changed to Sunrise")
    --DAY TIME
    if Time == string.lower("Day") then
        print("[LIGHTING SYSTEM] - Successfully changed to Day time")
        game.Lighting.TimeOfDay = "12:00:00"

        if Time == string.lower("Sunset") then
        print("[LIGHTING SYSTEM] - Successfully changed to Sunset")
        game.Lighting.TimeOfDay = "18:00:00"

        --NIGHT TIME
        if Time == string.lower("Night") then
        print("[LIGHTING SYSTEM] - Successfully changed to Night time")
        game.Lighting.TimeOfDay = "00:30:00"

        if Time ~= 
            string.lower("Sunset") or 
            string.lower("Day") or 
            string.lower("Night") or 
            string.lower("Sunrise") then
        error("[LIGHTING SYSTEM] - Invalid Request: Does Not Exist")


The problem is when I fire the server while testing from the command bar, it sends a player name instead of the value I requested, and the failsafe at the bottom saying its invalid. I want to send it a string value, but It never works

Command line: game.ReplicatedStorage.Events.UI.ChangeLighting:FireServer(Night)

Have you tried putting Night in quotes? That could be the reason. Otherwise, the script sets it so that the string value must all be lowercase. Between line 4 and 5, try putting: Time = string.lower(Time). UgOsMiLy 1074 — 7y
I tried that, but that only fixes part of the problem. When I "game.ReplicatedStorage.Events.UI.ChangeLighting:FireServer("Night")", It sends my username, not my value, named Time Webm07 43 — 7y
By the way instead of that failsafe being how it is, you could just write a elseif's with a final else being the error. It'll shorten your code a bit. Tomstah 401 — 7y
Can you print(plr) and see what that gives you in output? I'm for sure that client firing sends player name as the first argument but you did it correctly so it's a bit odd. Tomstah 401 — 7y
When I Do: "game.ReplicatedStorage.Events.UI.ChangeLighting:FireServer(plr, Night)", When It prints print(plr) and print(Time), it comes out as >Awesomewebm >nil Webm07 43 — 7y

1 answer

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Answered by 7 years ago
Edited 7 years ago


This is how I would do it. (Example - tested and is very functional, in other cases, it does work)

-- Server Script: (I recommend you place the following 'ServerScript' in ServerScriptService, I also added an example of basic RemoteEvent encryption for better protection, although I don't use the method I've given you, it can still be effective against those whom just find a leaked script and execute it, expecting it do work. - Future reference, you'll understand if you work on or create a popular game sometime in the future, or if you currently are).

GlobalKey = "key123" -- I recommend you generate a 20-odd character key, with many symbols, numbers, letters, brackets, etc. (You will only need to change this).

game.ReplicatedStorage.ChangeLighting.OnServerEvent:connect(function(Player, Key, Data) -- RemoteEvent that requires / contains three (3) arguments.

if Key == GlobalKey then -- Basic encryption (If the key doesn't match, the Player will be kicked from the server to prevent RemoteEvent exploiting. You do not need to modify this line).

if Data == "Night" then
    game.Lighting.TimeOfDay = "00:00:00" -- Equal to midnight.
        Player:Kick("[Detected]: Event tampering...") -- Self explanatory.

game.ReplicatedStorage.ChangeLighting:FireServer(Key, "Night") -- No need to add the 'Player' argument as it is automatically parsed via :FireServer().

I also noticed that you did the following:

game.Lighting.TimeOfDay = game.Lighting.TimeOfDay = "00:00:00"

Unfortunately, that will not work. I have corrected that for you.

Regards, StoleYourClothes.


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