You could do something like this. I'm only going to give you the base of it so you can customize.
01 | game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect( function (player) |
07 | if ptable [ x ] = = player.Name then |
08 | tool = game.ServerStorage.Tool |
09 | toolclone = tool:Clone(player) |
There's probably some mistakes but that's the base of it.
Another way (This goes in a localscript in the starterpack):
1 | game.Players.PlayerAdded:conect( function () |
2 | local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer |
3 | if player.Name = = "Name1" or player.Name = = "Name2" then |
4 | tool = game.ServerStorage.Tool |
5 | toolclone = tool:Clone(player.Backpack) |
The second way is probably more correct.
Hope I could help!