Okay so, basically I just have several functions doing different things in several different parts, although I'd just like to have one other script to tell them when to run at once if I can.
In more detail to try and explain if I haven't already: Several different parts in the workspace, all with their own script inside. They each have different functions inside those script.
Random examples to run at once:
local function playdisco while true do script.Parent.Brickcolor = Brickcolor.Random() wait(0.5) end end
local function changetrans while true do script.Parent.Transparency = 0.5 wait(0.5) script.Parent.Transparency = 0.9 wait(0.5) end end
Use a RemoteFunction object, more info can be found here: Remote Events and functions. P.S consider using a coroutine if you're going to have more than one function at a time using a loop in the same script.
_G.playdisco = function() while true do script.Parent.BrickColor = BrickColor.Random() wait(0.5) end end
just make a script and add this
do the same with changetrans
_G.changetrans = function() while true do script.Parent.Transparency = 0.5 wait(0.5) script.Parent.Transparency = 0.9 wait(0.9) end end