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BodyGyros changing Angles of a block

Asked by 11 years ago

Is there a way to use BodyGyros or AngularVelocityto change the rotation of a block trying to face a Vector3 location. I know little of BodyObjects.

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Answered by
User#2 0
11 years ago

This is actually a CFrame question, believe it or not!

To get a CFrame to face a Vector, there's a special way to do that:, Vector3Facing)

What that does is create a CFrame with a position of Vector3Point and it has the CFrame face Vector3Facing.

To apply this to a BodyGyro, just set the BodyGyro's cframe property to a CFrame you want it to face towards!

How would I set it to the position of a block, I am having issues, like, it is disappearing issues. FromLegoUniverse 264 — 11y
Set the position of the CFrame to, 0, 0) and it should work. User#2 0 — 11y

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