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Where do I even begin with a script that removes packages on R15?

Asked by
Launderer 343 Moderation Voter
6 years ago

The R15 rig on ROBLOX and removing packages does not work well together. Each limb is a meshpart corresponding with the package the player has equipped. Which means it has a MeshId. At first I thought, well I'll just set all the MeshPart IDs to whatever it would be for a nonpackage R15 rig type. Then I discovered the limb have different sizes as well that correspond with the package, which is pretty cool for hitboxes but also completely screws me over. Changing the sizes with Vector3 wouldn't be too hard honestly, but then not all the parts are centered or aligned correctly. So then it would have to be some complex CFraming to get it correctly. I was just wondering if I could do it any other way because this is fairly difficult to do. Also this needs to be R15.

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