I'm not a very good scripter. But basically this is a warning system for a group I am in
17:22:59.630 - theplayer is not a valid member of Players
17:22:59.631 - Script 'Players.Player1.PlayerGui.HRWarn.Frame.Frame.TextButton.Scr', Line 6
17:22:59.632 - Stack End
17:22:59.633 - Disconnected event because of exception
script.Parent.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() plr=script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent theplayer = script.Parent.Parent.Name.Text HR=plr.Name reason = script.Parent.Parent.Reason.Text if game.Players.theplayer==nil then else theplayer.PlayerGui.Warning.Frame.Visible=true theplayer.PlayerGui.Warning.Frame.Part1.Text="You have been given a warning by "..HR..", if you continue to break the rules, you may be banned from the event" theplayer.PlayerGui.Warning.Frame.Part2.Text="Reason for the warning: "..reason end end)
if game.Players.namey==nil then
You should be using the ROBLOX method FindFirstChild to check if an instance exists.
if game.Players:FindFirstChild("namey") then
Then the fix is:
if not game.Players:FindFirstChild(theplayer) then