How do I make a touch spawn (with a team) have a certain outfit? For example, when you enter a game, you have a type of package and hat with you. But there are 3 teams, and each one has a different outfit (hat and package) and each team spawn lets you switch teams by stepping on it. So if I just joined the game, I would be on team NEW for example. Say that team NEW has a red roblox cap (for the hat) and the armor of a frost guard general (Torso, R leg, L leg, R arm, and L arm) but say there was another team called 2ND TEAM. You could only get on 2ND TEAM by touching its spawn and getting off team NEW. As soon as you touched the spawn, your team & outfit changes. Please give me instructions. Its kind of similar to medieval warfare where your outfit changes once you change a team.(By stepping on the desired teams spawn)
Try putting a script in workspace that has a team uniform for each team. OR put a morph under neath the spawn and put the thing that makes the player morph on top of the spawn and make that invisible. Hope that help. I had one of those questions before too.