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How could I freeze time in a game?

Asked by 6 years ago

I do not believe there is any arbitrary pause function in ROBLOX that could stop all objects and threads for a few brief moments, but I wonder:

How could I stop time in a Roblox Game?

My ideas consist of anchoring all parts, and making a custom-defined wait function in substitution of the current wait function which checks if the game is in a "paused" state.

It seems a bit mundane of an approach however. Is there a better way?

ZA WARUDO! Mr_MilkysButler 47 — 6y
There is no possibke to 'stop time' inna roblox game since it is always running. custom functions are required. abnotaddable 920 — 6y

2 answers

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Answered by 6 years ago

you can make a script that in a event, will select all childrens in the workspace and turn anchored on, and after a seconds will change anchored to false again

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Answered by
fuj 49
6 years ago

I'm aware this will not run on a context level of 2 (localscripts, scripts), though it does work in the commandline

settings().Network.IncommingReplicationLag = math.huge
settings().Network.IncommingReplicationLag = 0

Might not be any use to you; however it is the closest i've found to yielding replication from the server to the client.

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