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Remote Events are spammable?

Asked by
soutpansa 120
6 years ago

A friend of mine who has an exploit, showed me how he could spam remote events in my game to level up.

Is there any kind of check that I could do to make it so that they can't be spammed?

First of all, find an anti-exploit. Second of all, use debounce. TinyScripter 70 — 6y

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Answered by
Lavical 15
6 years ago

Yes, all RemoteEvents and RemoteFunctions can be fired by exploiters at any time with any arguments. This is ultimately unpreventable.

The first rule of multiplayer game networking is that you ****never trust the client.****

Here's an example of bad security. You use an AddXP RemoteEvent that adds to a player's XP, and should only do this once they've chopped down a tree. The exploiter fires this over and over again. You shouldn't have these types of events in your game.

Instead, the exploiter should fire events that request to chop down trees, and you add the XP server-side.

The server is the boss, it makes all the rules. ****Clients never should be able to tell the server what to do, only request it to do something.

As for whoever suggested using an anti-exploit, they are completely misguided, so don't do that.

You haven't provided enough information for me to address your particular issue, but I hope you're able to apply this knowledge.

You should also make a unique key (like 16 digit number), so the exploiter doesn't fire events without the key, if you know what I mean. thesit123 509 — 6y

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