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Whats the best way to remove collision between players?

Asked by 6 years ago

So basically what should i consider if i want to remove collision between players? (How can i make players able to walk through other players)

2 answers

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Answered by
RubenKan 3615 Moderation Voter Administrator Community Moderator
6 years ago

You can use thePhysicsService and the CollisionGroups. Put all characters into the same CollisionGroup and set Interaction with eachother to false.

ok thx g1o2r3d4a5n6 350 — 6y
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Answered by
nap516 87
6 years ago

Find the player's character model. Then, find all of the parts (Legs, arms, head, and torso) then make them can colide false.

Nope. Players could then walk through walls. And, too, ROBLOX would set the cancollide back to true as a security function roblox defaultly has. Aimarekin 345 — 6y

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