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What does my TimeOfDay GUI work in studio mode but not in server mode?

Asked by 6 years ago

So I have this day/night script and a GUI in my game that displays the TimeOfDay in a TextLabel. The day/night script works in both studio and server mode, but the GUI only works in studio mode - in server mode, the text remains as "08:00 am" despite the time passing.

Day/night script (server script placed in Workspace)

DAY_TIME_IN_MIN = 24 -- I set this to 24 so that each minute in game = 1 second real time local dhour = 8 -- starts at 08:00 local dmin = 0 while true do wait(DAY_TIME_IN_MIN/24) dmin = dmin + 1 if dmin >= 60 then dmin = 0 dhour = dhour + 1 if dhour >= 24 then dhour = 0 end end game.Lighting.TimeOfDay = dhour..":"..dmin end

Script that updates the player's GUI according to TimeOfDay (server script placed in ServerScriptService)

game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("DayNight") game.ReplicatedStorage.DayNight.OnServerEvent:connect(function(Player) print("started") while true do wait() if (tonumber(string.sub(game.Lighting.TimeOfDay,1,2))) == 12 then Player.PlayerGui.ScreenGui.Frame.TextLabel.Text = (tonumber(string.sub(game.Lighting.TimeOfDay, 1, 2))) .. string.sub(game.Lighting.TimeOfDay, 3, 5) .. " pm" elseif (tonumber(string.sub(game.Lighting.TimeOfDay,1,2))) == 00 then Player.PlayerGui.ScreenGui.Frame.TextLabel.Text = (tonumber(string.sub(game.Lighting.TimeOfDay, 1, 2)) + 12) .. string.sub(game.Lighting.TimeOfDay, 3, 5) .. " am" elseif (tonumber(string.sub(game.Lighting.TimeOfDay,1,2))) > 12 then Player.PlayerGui.ScreenGui.Frame.TextLabel.Text = (tonumber(string.sub(game.Lighting.TimeOfDay, 1, 2)) - 12) .. string.sub(game.Lighting.TimeOfDay, 3, 5) .. " pm" elseif (tonumber(string.sub(game.Lighting.TimeOfDay,1,2))) < 12 then Player.PlayerGui.ScreenGui.Frame.TextLabel.Text = tonumber(string.sub(game.Lighting.TimeOfDay, 1, 2)) .. string.sub(game.Lighting.TimeOfDay, 3, 5) .." am" end end end)

Script that fires a RemoteFunction called DayNight (this is a localscript placed in StarterGui)


I tested the GUI script by adding


in the GUI script when the event is fired, which the statement gets outputted in the server log -so I'm a bit confused why the TextLabel doesn't display TimeOfDay correctly...

1 answer

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Answered by 6 years ago
Edited 6 years ago

If you use FE then the server can't access the clients for security reasons. Consider using RemoteFunctions or RemoteEvents to request or set aspects of the client.

The problem is that you're using a RemoteEvent that modifys the client from the server. As I stated above that will not work. Instead try using the OnClientEvent function in a local script running on the client.

I'm using RemoteEvent which is called DayNight, placed in ReplicatedStorage Serelyn 0 — 6y
Ok SebbyTheGODKid 198 — 6y
Read my edits. SebbyTheGODKid 198 — 6y
Don't worry it's fixed. Thanks anyway Serelyn 0 — 6y
Please close your question if it's fixed. SebbyTheGODKid 198 — 6y

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