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Change face on damage?

Asked by
Aimarekin 345 Moderation Voter
6 years ago

I'm trying to make a script so that when you get hurt your face changes for a little time, but I can't get it work. The script is a script inside StarterCharacterScripts, and It's the following:

local previousface = script.Parent.Head.face.Texture
local humanoidhealth = script.Parent.Humanoid.Health

if humanoidhealth > script.Parent.Humanoid.Health then
    script.parent.Head.face.Texture = "rbxassetid://732910174"
    wait (0.5)
    script.parent.Head.face.Texture = previousface
    local humanoidhealth = script.Parent.Head.face.Texture

if humanoidhealth < script.Parent.Humanoid.Health then
    local humanoidhealth = script.Parent.Humanoid.Health

I can't get what's wrong. The first if then is for changing the face when you get hurt. The second one is for setting humanoidhealth to the humanoids health if it rehealhs.


1 answer

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Answered by
RayCurse 1518 Moderation Voter
6 years ago

Your script is checking the health of the character immediately when it begins to execute when it should be running a block of code every time the character's health changes. In order to do this, you can use the HealthChanged event of the humanoid.

local previousface = script.Parent.Head.face.Texture
local humanoid = script.Parent:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
local humanoidHealth = humanoid.Health
    if newHealth < humanoidHealth then
        script.parent.Head.face.Texture = "rbxassetid://732910174"
        wait (0.5)
        script.parent.Head.face.Texture = previousface
    humanoidHealth = newHealth
Hi! works fine! Thank you! Aimarekin 345 — 6y
PD: I added "and newhealth ~= 0" because I have another script that sets the face to a different one on death. Aimarekin 345 — 6y

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