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Best way to animate a door close/open?

Asked by 6 years ago

So I have a door model, and the problem is the PrimaryPart is a union, which I'm not sure if that works with tweening, do you have any suggestions for how I can animate this?

1 answer

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Answered by
Eqicness 255 Moderation Voter
6 years ago
Edited 6 years ago

Every Instance can have it's properties tweened. All you have to do is specify that property in the Tween's TweenInfo.

By specifying properties in the TweenInfo, I mean it would look something like this:

local startTween = {
    Position =,0,0) -- Position is a PROPERTY of a base part.
local endTween= {
    Position =,10,0) -- Position is a PROPERTY of a base part.
Thanks for the response, can you specify what you mean by "specify" in the TweenInfo? yhatayhatahoohoo 15 — 6y
Yes, edited. Eqicness 255 — 6y

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