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How can a part detect terrain when in contact?

Asked by 6 years ago

Hi guys, I was hopping if you guys could help me out. I've been trying to figure out how to make my cart detect when above terrain. I've placed a part right under the wheel so it can detect terrain so the cart knows when to move up or down. I've used FindPartsInRegion3() and GetTouchingParts() with no luck. Are there any methods out there that can detect Terrain?

Maybe try putting a script in "t Scriptinghelper1 15 — 6y
Oops. Maybe try putting a script in Terain? Idk just a guess Scriptinghelper1 15 — 6y
I would use the Touched event for the Terrain but am moving my cart with CFrames and its anchored. So it wont detect it. wait would it detect the cart if i use Tweening? Worthy0ne 68 — 6y

1 answer

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Answered by
lucided 15
6 years ago

the property Humanoid.FloorMaterial can detect terrain.

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