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Help! What's the code to use in a Player?

Asked by
Anubizx 76
6 years ago

Hi, i am developing a Hair Color Menu, so... you can choose your hair color and it will be changed but i don't know what script can i use for Detect Player Model.

if P.Data.HairC.Value == 0 then hair = game.Workspace.Anubizx.Hair.Handle hair.BrickColor ="Deep orange") elseif P.Data.HairC.Value == 1 then hair = game.Workspace.Anubizx.Hair.Handle hair.BrickColor ="Deep orange") end

I need to change game.Workspace.Anubizx for the player that is using the script.

Sorry if you dont understand xD

2 answers

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Answered by
phxtn 154
6 years ago
Edited 6 years ago


local plr = game.players.LocalPlayer

^ This is how to access a player in game.Players


^ This is how to access a player through a script in Workspace. You must have the first peiece of code above in your script as well.

Hope this helped xD


accessing the character through game.Workspace is not reliable (could be a part and player w same name) lucided 15 — 6y
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Answered by 6 years ago

Start with:

local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer

How to access a player through game.Players (You need the above code):


This is an easy and reliable way of getting the character. It doesn't require Workspace or anything, just the game.Players service.

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