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Camera Min and Max Zoom Distance?

Asked by
hiccup111 231 Moderation Voter
10 years ago

You may have noticed that ROBLOX added these two properties (see title) too the Player object.

I have tried experimenting with these, but they don't seem to do anything.


I thought, this would change how much you'd have too zoom in, before your mouse locks

Yet tests show no difference


As MinZoom, I thought this would change how much you could zoom out.

Yet the same, no difference in tests.

I have tried this in SoloPlay, LocalServer, Within Server (normal play), yet no difference, what so ever.

Is there something, I'm just missing, or has ROBLOX not finished these properties?

Your thoughts would be most appreciated.

2 answers

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Answered by 10 years ago

I've tested with these with a variety of different ways but they don't seem to work yet, like you said they're probably not finished.

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Answered by 10 years ago

I don't know what you're trying to do. I would guess you are trying to change the distance?

If you are, I have already tried it. Just add a wait because the player doesn't come as soon as the game starts.

2    wait(1)
3    p.CameraMaxZoomDistance = 50

Edit: This has been fixed, there is a new StarterPlayer service, configure it there.

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