I set a part to be a specific color with it's RGB values all the same, for example 255,255,255 or 122,122,122.
However it appears that when I run this script, it changes the RGB values to something like 123,143,151
local angleStrength = 7 math.randomseed(tick()) for i, v in pairs(workspace:GetChildren()) do if v.Name == "RockWall" then local colorValue = math.random(120,180) v.CFrame = v.CFrame * CFrame.fromOrientation(math.rad(math.random(-angleStrength,angleStrength)),math.rad(math.random(-angleStrength,angleStrength)),math.rad(math.random(-angleStrength,angleStrength))) v.BrickColor = BrickColor.new(Color3.fromRGB(colorValue,colorValue,colorValue)) end end
The point is that you should change brick's Color, not the BrickColor. Like this
v.Color = Color3.new(colorValue, colorValue, colorValue)