so my respawn script only works sometimes, and some times its completely broken. When it's broken, the "Human" (I changed the name to Human instead of Humanoid) make joints, the torso will float in air with head on top, and other parts just fall into nowhere... I only have: -Head, LArm,RArm,LLeg,RLeg,Torso -Humanoid -a respawn script and another script that doesn't affect the respawning of the NPC at all inside of the NPC
my respawn script:
npc = script.Parent:Clone()
function Died() wait(10) npc.Parent = script.Parent.Parent npc:MakeJoints() npc.Human.Health = npc.Human.MaxHealth script.Parent:Remove() end script.Parent.Human.Died:connect(Died)
I do not have HumanoidRootPart, I don't know if it have any effect on MakeJoints()...?
I had the same issue and I just put the MakeJoints first. Try it and see if it works for you as well.
function Died() wait(10) npc:MakeJoints() npc.Parent = script.Parent.Parent npc.Human.Health = npc.Human.MaxHealth script.Parent:Remove() end script.Parent.Human.Died:connect(Died)