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How to make Values save when a player leaves?

Asked by 6 years ago
Edited 6 years ago

Guys I have a question. I'm making a "Bank Sistem" where you can store money and be safe from being stealed from other players! For now I've made a "Deposit" button where when you click it it creates a "Owner" value (StringValue) and inside that a "Money" value (NumberValue). It stores the money how it is supposed to but, When a player leaves I want these values to be saved and to delete themselfes when the player leaves to give space to other players money values.

Here's the script:

script.Parent.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() local playermoney = game.Players.LocalPlayer.leaderstats.Money.Value local deposit = script.Parent.Deposit local owner ="StringValue",deposit) owner.Name = "Owner" owner.Value = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name wait(1) local depositmoney ="NumberValue",deposit.Owner) depositmoney.Name = "Money" depositmoney.Value = playermoney end) game.Players.PlayerRemoving:connect(function() if not game.Players:FindFirstChild(owner.Value) then --Save script here I suppose? 0.o deposit.Owner:Destroy() --Destroy the files. end end)

Any idea how I do that? I'll read every comment/answer.

A couple problems with this. First off PlayerLeft is not a thing, it's PlayerRemoving. Secondly, You are trying to Datastore a value from the client side, which you can't do. Finally, if your game is FE then you can't change the leaderstats value from the client and expect it to replicate. I suggest reading on RemoteEvents before continuing. User#9949 0 — 6y
Well that doesn't help -.- wilsonsilva007 373 — 6y

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