I'm having problems where I have a GUI that players use to select a vehicle and then the character loads. However the GUI decides not to load with CharacterAutoLoads off. Is there a way to stop this problem or do I have to improvise and just load the character but the camera is not on the character? All help is appreciated. :)
GalaxyFPS_Studios explained your problem well. You can
A method that I just thought up (not tested):
You create a hollow box some where where it will not be seen by players. Make the players spawn normally inside that box. However, you will need to modify the original CameraScript, so it doesn't show the player, but instead whatever you want it to. I have done this in my game. Tell me if you want to use my approach so I can give you something similar to what I use. Then, when you want the player to "spawn", you just teleport them to the "spawn" area via
However, I bet this is ineffective, and perhaps GalaxyFPS_Studios's way will work better. I know its possible, as I have seen it being done.