This was added to the brick and tested but didn't work.
local Trigger = script.Parent function debounce(func) local isRunning = false return function(...) if not isRunning then isRunning = true func(...) isRunning = false end end end function getPlayer(Part) local Humanoid = Part.Parent:FindFirstChild('Humanoid') if (Humanoid ~= nil) then local Character = Humanoid.Parent if (Character ~= nil) then return game:GetService('Players'):GetPlayerFromCharacter(Character) end end end function _savePlace(player) game:GetService(“AssetService”):SavePlaceAsync() end local savePlace = debounce(_savePlace) function onTouch(Source) local player = getPlayer(Source) if player then if player.userId > 0 then local success, error = ypcall(function() savePlace(player) end) end end end Trigger.Touched:connect(onTouch)
Do I have any problems?
The main problem might be that if you go to configure the universe the field "Allow this place to be updated using the Save Place API in your game." is unchecked.
If the place is configured right the page should look something like this.
If you have any questions, concerns or just need some help with this PM me on ROBLOX!