What I'm having a problem with is that I made a hammer that allows me to build fences, and so far I'm very happy with the progress! However when I tried it on a local server, it just refuses to work, even printing a string of words, you know, print("Something like this!"). I tried connecting it to the server with a RemoteEvent but it still doesn't work, only on the server! I have no idea why! I might just be blind and stupid but oh well.
I just can't seem to spot the fix. I'm also not sure if it's because of the tool itself or the scripts contained inside because I copied the exact tool but changed the script to just place a brick where you click in the workspace, it works like I expected it to without flaws. Be warned that the script you're about to see is long. 202 lines as of now.
local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer local tool = script.Parent local mouse = plr:GetMouse() local canSelectOption = true local canPlaceItem = false local isHoldingShift = false local isShowingCantPlace = false local isSetToGreen = true local toolIsEquipped = false local previousAngle = 0 local originalPartColor = {} local originalPartTransparency = {} local originalPartMaterial = {} repeat wait() until plr.PlayerGui.HammerBuildingGui ~= nil repeat wait() until game.ServerStorage.Fences ~= nil script.Parent.Print:FireServer("Loaded Hammer Script") local function resetAllValues() canSelectOption = true canPlaceItem = false isHoldingShift = false isShowingCantPlace = false isSetToGreen = true previousAngle = 0 originalPartColor = {} originalPartTransparency = {} originalPartMaterial = {} end local function changeFenceToRed() pcall(function() script.Parent.Print:FireServer("Changed to red") for i = 1, #fenceSelected:GetChildren() do local parts = fenceSelected:GetChildren() if parts[i]:IsA("BasePart") and parts[i].Name ~= "FenceCollision" then parts[i].Transparency = 0.5 parts[i].Material = "SmoothPlastic" parts[i].BrickColor = BrickColor.new(Color3.fromRGB(255,100,100)) end end end) end local function changeFenceToGreen() pcall(function() script.Parent.Print:FireServer("Changed to green") for i = 1, #fenceSelected:GetChildren() do local parts = fenceSelected:GetChildren() if parts[i]:IsA("BasePart") and parts[i].Name ~= "FenceCollision" then parts[i].Transparency = 0.5 parts[i].Material = "SmoothPlastic" parts[i].BrickColor = BrickColor.new(Color3.fromRGB(50,255,50)) end end end) end for i, option in pairs(plr.PlayerGui.HammerBuildingGui.Frame.OptionsScrollingFrame:GetChildren()) do if option:IsA("TextButton") and game.ServerStorage.Fences:FindFirstChild(option.Name) then option.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() script.Parent.Print:FireServer("Clicked option: " .. option.Name) script.Parent.Build:FireServer(option, canSelectOption) if canSelectOption == true and toolIsEquipped == true then local function createFence() canSelectOption = false fenceSelected = game.ServerStorage.Fences[option.Name]:Clone() fenceSelected.FenceCollision.CanCollide = false fenceSelected.Parent = workspace for i = 1, #fenceSelected:GetChildren() do local parts = fenceSelected:GetChildren() if parts[i]:IsA("BasePart") and parts[i].Name ~= "FenceCollision" then originalPartColor[i] = parts[i].BrickColor originalPartTransparency[i] = parts[i].Transparency originalPartMaterial[i] = parts[i].Material end end changeFenceToGreen() if isHoldingShift == true then fenceSelected:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(fenceSelected:GetPrimaryPartCFrame() * CFrame.Angles(0,math.rad(previousAngle),0)) end mouse.TargetFilter = fenceSelected repeat fenceSelected:TranslateBy(Vector3.new(mouse.Hit.p.X,((fenceSelected.Settings.FenceHeight.Value / 2) - 0.2) + mouse.Hit.p.Y, mouse.Hit.p.Z) - fenceSelected:GetPrimaryPartCFrame().p) if mouse.Target and isShowingCantPlace == false then if mouse.Target.Name == "PlaceableVisibility" then canPlaceItem = true if isSetToGreen == false then isSetToGreen = true changeFenceToGreen() end else canPlaceItem = false if isSetToGreen == true then isSetToGreen = false changeFenceToRed() end end end game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:Wait() until canSelectOption == true if isHoldingShift == true then createFence() end end createFence() end end) end end tool.Equipped:connect(function() script.Parent.Print:FireServer("Equipped tool") toolIsEquipped = true resetAllValues() pcall(function() plr.PlayerGui.HammerBuildingGui.Frame:TweenPosition(UDim2.new(0,5,1,-255), "Out", "Quad", 0.5) end) end) tool.Unequipped:connect(function() script.Parent.Print:FireServer("Unequipped tool") toolIsEquipped = false resetAllValues() fenceSelected:Destroy() pcall(function() plr.PlayerGui.HammerBuildingGui.Frame:TweenPosition(UDim2.new(0,-300,1,-255), "Out", "Quad", 0.5) end) end) mouse.Button1Down:connect(function() script.Parent.Print:FireServer("Button1Down") if canSelectOption == false and canPlaceItem == true and plr.leaderstats.Cash.Value >= fenceSelected.Settings.Price.Value and plr.leaderstats.Level.Value >= fenceSelected.Settings.LevelRequired.Value then canSelectOption = true script.Parent.UpdateStats:FireServer(plr.leaderstats, fenceSelected.Settings.Price.Value, fenceSelected.Settings.LevelRequired.Value) script.Parent.Build:FireServer(fenceSelected, originalPartColor, originalPartTransparency, originalPartMaterial) elseif canSelectOption == false and canPlaceItem == true then isShowingCantPlace = true changeFenceToRed() wait(0.1) changeFenceToGreen() isShowingCantPlace = false end end) game:GetService("UserInputService").InputBegan:connect(function(key) if key.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.Q and canSelectOption == false then canSelectOption = true canPlaceItem = false originalPartColor = {} originalPartTransparency = {} originalPartMaterial = {} fenceSelected:Destroy() elseif key.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.R and canSelectOption == false and canPlaceItem == true then fenceSelected:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(fenceSelected:GetPrimaryPartCFrame() * CFrame.Angles(0,math.rad(45),0)) previousAngle = previousAngle + 45 elseif key.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.LeftShift then isHoldingShift = true end end) game:GetService("UserInputService").InputEnded:connect(function(key) if key.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.LeftShift then isHoldingShift = false end end)
ATTENTION! Okay, now I've got your attention, I'm just telling you that the next script is server sided.
script.Parent.Build.OnServerEvent:connect(function(plr, fenceSelected, originalPartColor, originalPartTransparency, originalPartMaterial) for i = 1, #fenceSelected:GetChildren() do local parts = fenceSelected:GetChildren() if parts[i]:IsA("BasePart") and parts[i].Name ~= "FenceCollision" then parts[i].BrickColor = originalPartColor[i] parts[i].Transparency = originalPartTransparency[i] parts[i].Material = originalPartMaterial[i] elseif parts[i]:IsA("BasePart") and parts[i].Name == "FenceCollision" then parts[i].CanCollide = true end end end) script.Parent.UpdateStats.OnServerEvent:connect(function(plr, stats, price, level) stats.Cash.Value = stats.Cash.Value - price end) script.Parent.Print.OnServerEvent:connect(function(plr, message) print(message) end)
Sorry guys, I fixed it. It's because I was trying to access the ServerStorage with a local script.