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How can I become a more advanced scripter?

Asked by 6 years ago

This is a dumb question but I'm trying to make a game where you do whatever you want and you can make whatever you want the problem is I don't know how code the model placement system, the model placement system is to build your own house think of minecraft but not because I also what it so people can have their own company or store or anything like that just a mixture of Lumber Tycoon and Retail Tycoon and A Tap On Miner's Haven but the problem is I can't make a model placement I can do animations and some scripting along with that but ahhh I am bad please tell me what would be helpful for any advance because I also am trying to make a FPS

Nice response @greatneil80. REAL HELPFUL. I learned from free models. I would take a free model game, find a script, read it over and over till I understood it. If there was a line of code i didn't understand, I googled it and tested until I could make my own version of the script. Your first game wont be amazing, start small, and work your way up to your dream game, just don't give up :) soutpansa 120 — 6y
Roblox wiki, youtube, roblox forums, and asking questions here helps as well. soutpansa 120 — 6y
just a ree hint : local Mouse = Player:GetMouse() ;) abnotaddable 920 — 6y
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Well, i'm also still learning how to script but my advice is to start with making small scripts. Lets say you've made a lot of scripts, you understand how they work and you can re write and recall these scripts. You can make a small game or project with it. Pepperoni_Jam 0 — 6y
thanks you guy or girls idk anymore I won't give up roblox is love ... roblox is life. no just nvm :) GameBoyOtaku 63 — 6y

2 answers

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Answered by 6 years ago

Hi, I'm not the most technologically advanced scripter, However I do know how to make some things and It's rather easy now. I suggest frequenting the roblox wiki, Looking up specific things you want to learn and looking in free models to see how people made their creations.

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Answered by 6 years ago
Edited 6 years ago

I may not be the best scripter I know how I think I can help you to get more advanced.

My first suggestion, is to do with your mental state about moving forward, always have a big project idea that YOU want to do and one that YOU know will be successful. Then do little side projects that help you learn about what certain bits of code do, or built in functions. This can be helpful as it can allow you to always be more efficient in your code. The wiki has some good challenges and tutorials that can help you learn.

My second suggestion is the sources you use, my personal favorites are the roblox wiki and youtube. You will always want to use reliable and trustworthy material, this means that you do not want to be using deprecated items, however new and updated items. To tell if something is deprecated simply search in google : "roblox wiki <item>" and if it is deprecated it will have a line through it. Here are some links:
Roblox Cookbook, All Tutorials, Alvin Blox.
If you want to know what something does, and in the wiki, in google simply type : "roblox wiki <thing>", e.g "roblox wiki remote functions" or "roblox wiki keyboard input", they have pretty much everything on roblox wiki. Also alvinblox has alot of tutorials if you are interested.
If this helped please accept ;)

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