Hello, I was wondering how I fix this error. Here's the error http 401 (http/1.1 401 unauthorized)
Here's the script:
local board = "GHJ4Iw8A" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local Songs = {} local http = game:GetService('HttpService') local lists = http:JSONDecode(http:GetAsync("https://api.trello.com/1/boards/"..board.."/lists")) for _,v in pairs(lists) do if v.name == "Music List" then local items = http:JSONDecode(http:GetAsync("https://api.trello.com/1/lists/"..v.id.."/cards")) print(#items) for _,v in pairs(items) do if v.name:match(":") ~= nil then local s,f = string.find(v.name,":") table.insert(Songs, string.sub(v.name,f+1)) end end end end math.randomseed( os.time() ) _G.Skip = function() if workspace:FindFirstChild("Sound") ~= nil then workspace.Sound:Stop() end end function shuffleTable(t) math.randomseed(tick()) assert(t, "shuffleTable() expected a table, got nil" ) local iterations = #t local j for i = iterations, 2, -1 do j = math.random(i) t[i], t[j] = t[j], t[i] end end shuffleTable(Songs) local songnum = 0 game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(p) if p:GetRankInGroup(2833043) >= 40 or p.Name == "Player1" then p.Chatted:connect(function(msg) if string.lower(msg) == ":skipsong" then _G.Skip() spawn(function() local h = Instance.new("Hint", p.PlayerGui) h.Text = "Audio skipped." wait(5) h:Destroy() end) end end) end end) local Market = game:GetService("MarketplaceService") local PlayerChosen = {} local NotPlaying = false local LastSong; local SongNum = 0 while wait() do SongNum = SongNum+1 local RawSong = Songs[SongNum] local Song = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id="..Songs[SongNum] if Song ~= LastSong then game:GetService("ContentProvider"):Preload(Song) local Sound = Instance.new("Sound", game.Workspace) Sound.Volume = 1 Sound.SoundId = Song Sound:Play() game.ReplicatedStorage.Events.SongChanged:FireAllClients(game:service('MarketplaceService'):GetProductInfo(tonumber(RawSong)).Name) wait(120) Sound:Stop() wait() Sound:remove() NotPlaying = false else NotPlaying = false end end
The reason you get a 401 error is you did not supply an app key.
First, log into your Trello account at http://trello.com/. Then, go to https://trello.com/1/appKey/generate. You should see a screen like this: !API Key screen Copy that code (Ctrl+C)! Then, add the following to each of the URLs you are requesting:
Try it, it should work perfectly now!