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How do I make a GUI turn off after leaving a seat?

Asked by 7 years ago

Hi, I'd like to ask how would I make so when I leave a seat, the GUI that was turned on when entering the seat turns off.

My small code so far that turns on the GUI:

2game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.seatgui.Frame.Visible = true

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Answered by 7 years ago

A better way to do this is to listen for the "Occupant" property of the seat being changed. Here's how it should look:

01local seat = workspace.Seat
03function SeatChanged(propertyChanged)
04    if propertyChanged == "Occupant" then
05        if seat.Occupant then
06            game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.seatgui.Frame.Visible = true
07        else
08            game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.seatgui.Frame.Visible = false
09        end
10    end

What this code does is connect the SeatChanged function with any property of the seat being changed. From there, it checks if the property that was changed was "Occupant", which is the player when the seat is occupied. Then, it simply checks if the player exists in that property; If not, it closes the GUI, if so, it opens it.

If I've helped you, be sure to mark my answer correct :)

Thank you for the help, I greatly appreciate it! GlobeHousee 50 — 7y

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