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Music w/ Text changing Script works offline but not on Robloxplayer?

Asked by 7 years ago

Hey, I have a problem which when I use this script in online mode, the script (Sound/textlabel) just doesn't work at all. No Output, no sound, nothing.

Script Kind: Server Location: StarterGui.mynamesjeff(Screengui).Frame.Frame.Textlabel Game:

Here's the code...

01print 'Loading Playlist'
View all 99 lines...

This script was to change the textlabel when a song goes up. If you have a solution or a question about this please reply to this quickly!

If this script IS a server script, then that's already your problem. Server Scripts in FE can't effect a player's Gui. You need to use a local script. Troidit 253 — 7y
Use a for loop and iterate through a table containing all the sound ids. Operation_Meme 890 — 7y

2 answers

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Answered by 7 years ago

Is that a LocalScript ? I've had such issues before, I had my coding put inside of a LocalScript. It worked in Studio, but not in Player. so what I did was I added Local infront of the rows. Example:

1Local Song1 = 'rbxassetid://'

But don't add Local to every row, only infront of the Song(number) rows ! It might not help while it might help, I don't know completely.

PS: Thanks for adding Imagine Dragons - "Thunder", I love Imagine Dragons !

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Answered by 7 years ago

I've found that scripts that run on the server don't work in GUIs anymore. Try moving it to a LocalScript or move it to ServerScriptService.

Also, not apart of the fix, but I would suggest using a loop to cut down on your lines.

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