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Making a statue of yourself that automatically updates when you change your character?

Asked by 11 years ago

I have no idea how to get the character like when your not even in-game. I could do the rest tho so I just need help on that part :D

This is a great question. I usually have an idea when it comes to things like this, however I am clueless on where to start. ConnorVIII 448 — 10y

2 answers

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Answered by 10 years ago

I have been looking into this for a while, and there is no easy way to do this, but I did find one thing. If you use the URL followed by your user id (as found on your profile), it returns several ; (semicolon) separated URLs which contain models of the following (in order):

1#1: Body Colors
2#2: Pants
3#3: Held Gear
4#4: Hats
5#5: Face
6#6: Shirt

Using the HTTPService, you could use these URLs to manipulate a normal n00b character with the right BodyColors, Shirt, Pants, Gear (probably unwanted), Hats, and Face. The only thing missing is a way to get the current package the user is wearing.

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Answered by 11 years ago

You could loop it, so it checks all the time. That'd be the sloppy way though, but if you wanted to do that it'd be something like this

1while true do
2-- Stuff
no thats not what i meant i mean it needs to get your character model even if ur NOT ingame and update everytime you update your character TochiWasHere 10 — 10y

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