What I need is help getting the end of a string, in my script when a player uses a pattern in the chat it shows the player's name and the message after the pattern, the problem is that it only shows the name and not the pattern after the sequence. Here is the script I am using:
local admins={"ultrabug", "FredeyFly"} game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(np) for i,v in pairs(admins) do if np.Name==v then np.Chatted:connect(function(msg) if string.sub(msg, 1, 2)=="m/"then cmt=np.Name..": "string.sub(msg, 3) cm(cmt) elseif string.sub(msg, 1, 5)=="kill/"then plr=game.Players:findFirstChild(string.lower(string.sub(msg, 6))) if plr ~=nil then Kill(plr) end end end) end end end) function cm(text) local label=Instance.new("TextLabel") local sg=Instance.new("ScreenGui") for a,b in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren())do plabel=label:Clone() psg=sg:Clone() psg.Parent=b.PlayerGui plabel.Parent=psg plabel.Size=UDim2.new(1, 0, 1, 0) plabel.Text=text plabel.BackgroundColor3=Color3.new(0, 0, 0) plabel.BorderColor3=Color3.new(255, 0, 0) plabel.TextColor3=Color3.new(255, 0, 0) plabel.TextScaled=true plabel.BackgroundTransparency=0.5 wait(6) psg:Destroy() end label:Destroy() sg:Destroy() end function Kill(player) player.Character.Humanoid.Health=0 end