I've been having this problem for quite a while. I'm relatively new to animating and scripting via animations, and I've encountered a very severe problem. The animation works just fine in Studio, but playing them in-game (which I am trying it on Voids Script Builder) doesn't animate my character. It only loops the current animation playing.
What I had tried is disabling the animate script in my character, which did not fix the problem.
local idle = Instance.new("Animation") idle.AnimationId = "http://www.roblox.com/Asset?ID=1103257041" local idletrack = human:LoadAnimation(idle) idletrack:Play() --Human is the humanoid
Also, no errors are produced. The animation plays as soon as the script is ran.
Because you're doing this in someone else's game, you can't use animations you created.
Animations can only be used in games the creator made themselves. You can't use other people's animation, if that makes sense.
So you can't use animation tracks to play animation in ScriptBuider unless you made the ScriptBuilder.
This is because Void Script Builder is sandboxed. What this means, is that they set certain things a script can do and not with setfenv(). This is like how you cannot kick players. For more info, go to here.
Hope this solves your problem!