admins = {"HydroDivinity"} game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(pl) for i,v in pairs(admins) do if v == pl.Name then pl.Chatted:connect(function(mes) if mes:sub(1,8):lower() == ":change " then local name, textvalue = mes:match("(%w+) (%d+)$") if name and textvalue then print(textvalue) local findingplayer = game.Players:FindFirstChild(name) if findingplayer then findingplayer.PlayerGui.CurrencyGUIs.CoinFrame.CoinAmount.Text = textvalue end end end end) end end end)
What I want to do is; To be able to change myself or other players' stats.
The problem is that you have to write out the players full name for example :change HydroDivinity 69
what i want it to be able to do is something like this; :change hy 69 or :change hydr 69 etc