On ROBLOX, many places have lagged.. But the thing is.. Venezia has over 100,000 bricks but DOESNT lagg! How is it possible to create this? MODERATORS: Also.. This is concidered a script, and they are trying to help me.. So this has no right to be removed
Any general performance solutions would become a part of the ROBLOX engine (sooner or later).
Even if there was a known, general performance improvement, it's unlikely it could be delivered quickly enough by the Lua engine (as opposed to natively in ROBLOX) for it to have any real affect.
This said, it is possible for there to be solutions to performance problems that will only work sometimes. For instance (while now making only a negligible improvement) removing unnecessary snaps from Anchored - Anchored parts is a cheap (now negligible) performance gain.
The most significant performance requirements of ROBLOX games are (usually) one of the following three:
1) Rendering 2) Physics 3) Script Performance
1) Rendering
Very little can be done automatically to improve the render speed. By overall reducing the complexity and number of physical objects, you will improve this. Unfortunately, dynamic solutions like reducing automatically the complexity of distance objects are unlikely to be of both acceptable quality and performant enough to work, although this is possible.
In addition, since featherweight, there really is very little slowdown on any decent computers, so any reasonably small models will not require optimization.
2) Physics
Except reducing the number and complexity of objects moving, there's no performance gain here that does not reduce quality. Certain effects could be managed by scripts instead of directly by physics, but this cannot be inferred in general, so no automatic system could fix this.
3) Script Performance
In complex games, the largest performance problem can be script performance. While code analysis can certainly sometimes be done to improve speed, doing this within ROBLOX without plugins is impossible (because Source inspection is not allowed). In addition, optimizing Lua is especially difficult.
TL;DR: There is no "anti-lag script." Any solution to performance has to be tailored to exactly what it is that you have is slow.
The rumored "anti-lag" script is impossible sadly. Lag is done by only moving parts and scripts, rarely will it be due to the amount of parts in one specific game. Venezia likely doesn't have any sort of working anti-lag script. If a script like that does exist and is possible to construct, nobody is aware of its presence.
Anti Lags are impossible to make, though if there was a anti lag, it wont make it as better. Even if you try, the script will make it worse. Lag is created by a lot of scripts running at the same time, so if someone were to say I CREATED AN ANTI LAG SCRIPT!, it would probably make your place even slower.
It is impossible. Roblox added a feature calling "streaming" that only loads parts that are near you
Only thing you can do is make a script that does deleting of objects called like 'Virus' or 'infection' or just use the Ro-defender plugin to remove all that.