Well im trying to make a makeshift select system but I cant make it work because i dont know what event i would use to detect when a part is being clicked?
There is a method of running a function when a part is 'Clicked'.
You can insert a ClickDetector into a part, where the script is located. This will make the part clickable, and will detect when a player has clicked a button.
If you run the code:
script.Parent.ClickDetector.mouseClick:connect(function() -- (Your Script Block) end
Basically, the script will look at ClickDetector's hidden property called "mouseClick" which will detect if it was clicked by a mouse, then it connects itself to run a function.
If there are any problems that occured, please do respond in the comments.
insert a ClickDetector and type in a script in the part or somwhere else
script.Parent.ClickDetector.mouseClick:connect(function() end)
This the script if you put it in the part the script.Parent.ClickDetector selects the clickdetector and the mouseClick will activate the function if you click on the part