I'm trying to make a weapon, it swings but it doesn't do any damage,when I had the script print what the argument was, it said terrain.
18:33:52.341 - Humanoid is not a valid member of Workspace
18:33:52.342 - Stack Begin
18:33:52.343 - Script 'Players.Player2.Backpack.axe.damage', Line 5
18:33:52.344 - Stack End
script.Parent.hitbox.Touched:connect(function(p) if script.Parent.CanDamage.Value == true then print(p) script.Parent.CanDamage.Value = false p.Parent.Humanoid:TakeDamage(20) end end)
local script
local CanAttack = true script.Parent.Activated:connect(function() local attack = script.Parent.Parent.Humanoid:LoadAnimation(script.Attack) if CanAttack == true then script.Parent.CanDamage.Value = true game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 0 attack:Play() CanAttack = false wait(0.4) attack:Stop() game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 16 CanAttack = true script.Parent.CanDamage.Value = false end end)
welding script (in case)
local NEVER_BREAK_JOINTS = false local function CallOnChildren(Instance, FunctionToCall) FunctionToCall(Instance) for _, Child in next, Instance:GetChildren() do CallOnChildren(Child, FunctionToCall) end end local function GetNearestParent(Instance, ClassName) local Ancestor = Instance repeat Ancestor = Ancestor.Parent if Ancestor == nil then return nil end until Ancestor:IsA(ClassName) return Ancestor end local function GetBricks(StartInstance) local List = {} CallOnChildren(StartInstance, function(Item) if Item:IsA("BasePart") then List[#List+1] = Item; end end) return List end local function Modify(Instance, Values) assert(type(Values) == "table", "Values is not a table"); for Index, Value in next, Values do if type(Index) == "number" then Value.Parent = Instance else Instance[Index] = Value end end return Instance end local function Make(ClassType, Properties) -- Using a syntax hack to create a nice way to Make new items. return Modify(Instance.new(ClassType), Properties) end local Surfaces = {"TopSurface", "BottomSurface", "LeftSurface", "RightSurface", "FrontSurface", "BackSurface"} local HingSurfaces = {"Hinge", "Motor", "SteppingMotor"} local function HasWheelJoint(Part) for _, SurfaceName in pairs(Surfaces) do for _, HingSurfaceName in pairs(HingSurfaces) do if Part[SurfaceName].Name == HingSurfaceName then return true end end end return false end local function ShouldBreakJoints(Part) --- We do not want to break joints of wheels/hinges. This takes the utmost care to not do this. There are -- definitely some edge cases. if NEVER_BREAK_JOINTS then return false end if HasWheelJoint(Part) then return false end local Connected = Part:GetConnectedParts() if #Connected == 1 then return false end for _, Item in pairs(Connected) do if HasWheelJoint(Item) then return false elseif not Item:IsDescendantOf(script.Parent) then return false end end return true end local function WeldTogether(Part0, Part1, JointType, WeldParent) JointType = JointType or "Weld" local RelativeValue = Part1:FindFirstChild("qRelativeCFrameWeldValue") local NewWeld = Part1:FindFirstChild("qCFrameWeldThingy") or Instance.new(JointType) Modify(NewWeld, { Name = "qCFrameWeldThingy"; Part0 = Part0; Part1 = Part1; C0 = CFrame.new();--Part0.CFrame:inverse(); C1 = RelativeValue and RelativeValue.Value or Part1.CFrame:toObjectSpace(Part0.CFrame); --Part1.CFrame:inverse() * Part0.CFrame;-- Part1.CFrame:inverse(); Parent = Part1; }) if not RelativeValue then RelativeValue = Make("CFrameValue", { Parent = Part1; Name = "qRelativeCFrameWeldValue"; Archivable = true; Value = NewWeld.C1; }) end return NewWeld end local function WeldParts(Parts, MainPart, JointType, DoNotUnanchor) for _, Part in pairs(Parts) do if ShouldBreakJoints(Part) then Part:BreakJoints() end end for _, Part in pairs(Parts) do if Part ~= MainPart then WeldTogether(MainPart, Part, JointType, MainPart) end end if not DoNotUnanchor then for _, Part in pairs(Parts) do Part.Anchored = false end MainPart.Anchored = false end end local function PerfectionWeld() local Tool = GetNearestParent(script, "Tool") local Parts = GetBricks(script.Parent) local PrimaryPart = Tool and Tool:FindFirstChild("Handle") and Tool.Handle:IsA("BasePart") and Tool.Handle or script.Parent:IsA("Model") and script.Parent.PrimaryPart or Parts[1] if PrimaryPart then WeldParts(Parts, PrimaryPart, "Weld", false) else warn("qWeld - Unable to weld part") end return Tool end local Tool = PerfectionWeld() if Tool and script.ClassName == "Script" then --- Don't bother with local scripts script.Parent.AncestryChanged:connect(function() PerfectionWeld() end) end
I think there are two possibilities,
One possibility is that it's actually hitting the terrain in your map, and therefore it's not able to find a humanoid in the workspace which is Hit.Parent
I'm not exactly sure but when the touched function fires, I think it reads the entire model (the character). So when you said p.Parent, the character models Parent is a obviously the workspace. My point is, take out the Parent part so it is p.Humanoid:TakeDamage(20)