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Having trouble with a KeyDown function

Asked by 11 years ago

It is supposed to tween a GUI onscreen when you press 'h'

01g = script.Parent
02f = g.Frame
04p = game.Players.LocalPlayer
05m = p.GetMouse()
07function help()
08    m.KeyDown:connect(function(key)
09        if Key:byte() == 104 then
10            f:TweenPosition(,100,0,250))
11        end
12    end)

4 answers

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Answered by
jobro13 980 Moderation Voter
11 years ago

On line 9, Key is nil, while key is not.

Change Line 9 to: if key == "h" then. I personally prefer to use characters themselves in those cases, as it is more readable.

Might want to lower (string.lower) the string too. User#2 0 — 11y
Why? There is no need for that. KeyDown will never fire with an uppercase key, at least, not as far as I know. jobro13 980 — 11y
And - indeed - good point about line 5. It should be m = p:GetMouse(), not m = p.GetMouse(). This is possible but then you should pass pass first argument, which is strange (m = p.GetMouse(p)) jobro13 980 — 11y
Thanks ChosenDreamer 5 — 11y
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Answered by
User#2 0
11 years ago

There are a few problems here.

1p = game.Players.LocalPlayer
2m = p.GetMouse()

GetMouse is a Method, therefore it needs to be called with a :

2    if Key:byte() == 104 then

You define the variable as keybut then used it as Key. Just change one or the other to match.

You also are randomly calling this as a coroutine? Why is that?

I asked a friend if he could fix it before I came here and he edited it to that. ChosenDreamer 5 — 11y
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Answered by 11 years ago

To add to Jobro's answer, there's no reason to set up your event inside of a function running in another thread. Events will run asynchronously. Also, remember that you can only use GetMouse in a LocalScript.

It is in a LocalScript ChosenDreamer 5 — 11y
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Answered by
blocco 185
11 years ago

In your code, the argument given to the function is stored in key. However, you use the variable Key in your if statement. Also, instead of converting key to a number, you can simply check if that variable key is equal to the string "h".

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