Torso is not a valid member of Script
wait(5) if game.Workspace.Abrobot.Torso.Velocity.magnitude > 0 then print(324) end
Not sure what you're trying to accomplish here, if your character is R6 then torso should work, if it is R15 though you're going to want to search for "UpperTorso" or "LowerTorso"
--Lets grab the players from the game players = game:GetService("Players") --Wait for abrobot in the game's players player = players:WaitForChild("abrobot") --Grab the players character from the player character = player.Character --Grab the torso from the character torso = character:FindFirstChild("Torso") --Check velocity and print if its above 0 if torso.Velocity.magnitude > 0 then print(324) end