I need help on making a shop gui I have tried youtube videos and still not working please help I am working on a game called Explore The City/World Of Fovero
Sorry, I wont write you a whole script but I will give you some links to help you:
Instances, these are what you would use to create objects via script.
This is what you would use with buttons
now, all of that may seem a bit confusing too you, so this is how you could use those three little things to make a shop gui (this is not the shop gui im just making an example) oh and make sure that the script is in a LocalScript that is in the StarterGui
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer local mouse = player:GetMouse() --Make sure you have this! scrn = Instance.new("ScreenGui",player.PlayerGui) --creating the screenGui fr = Instance.new("Frame",scrn) --creating the frame fr.Size = UDim2.new(0,500,0,500) --this will be the size of the frame. notice how i only use the second numbers fr.Position = UDim2.new(0,600,0,400) --this will be the position of the frame --ok now lets start with the button principles mouse.Button1Down:connect(function() --activated when the left mouse button is clicked scrn:Destroy() --when you click the frame, it will be removed end) --ending the function. the parantheses are to close the function > '(function()'